Mass Delete Old Announcements

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I created a new canvas course, but all the announcements from the previous course transfer as well. How do I do a mass delete of all these announcements without having to individually delete each one? thanks in advance

4 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

Hi  @arcelia_dalton ,

The guide shows how to delete multiple announcements on the Announcements page. 


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Community Participant

One way is to use the Javascript console and type the following line. It will select all visible checkboxes and you can them delete them all at once:

document.querySelectorAll("input").forEach(e =>

You can also create a bookmark with a slight modification:

javascript:document.querySelectorAll("input").forEach(e =>

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OMG! This was so totally cool and it works!

Went to my Announcements page in Canvas. Then, under Chrome browser, three vertical dots, More tools, Developer tools (Shift+Ctrl+I)

and I typed in

document.querySelectorAll("input").forEach(e =>


Didn't understand the bookmark suggestion but the above works great in selecting ALL the Announcement checkboxes on the page after I entered the Javascript code in the Console!  Probably on other types of pages too with checkboxes, eh?!  Wow! So jazzed, thanks 😉

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Community Contributor

Try this.  It worked for me

Went to my Announcements page in Canvas. Then, under Chrome browser, three vertical dots, More tools, Developer tools (Shift+Ctrl+I)

and I typed in

document.querySelectorAll("input").forEach(e =>





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