Media Comment Windows Steals Focus

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I hate hate hate when you open "Record/upload media comment" it steals the browser focus so you can no longer scroll through the document you are leaving a media comment, which makes it totally useless. I always end up opening the doc I'm commenting on in a separate window/tab so I can scroll though it.  It works, but it is a pain.

Come on, Canvas - does anyone who actually teaches and grades actually use or test the software?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @RonaldHarvey 

It's a specific thing that record/upload media does unfortunately. The pop up essentially blocks you from viewing and scrolling the window behind as you are aware. It doesn't look like there's anything on the Canvas Roadmap for changing that as of now.

I highly suggest checking out the ideas and themes page as it has been reformatted to get real improvements from users and suggestions like this. Engineers are already implementing ideas that have been suggested:

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