Missing Discussion Post

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       I submitted my response to my class discussion post and now it's marked missing and my post is nowhere to be found. When I submitted it I even made sure it went through as normal. 

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach


I wonder if your instructor has a setting enabled for this discussion topic where you are not allowed to see other people's postings until you post a response of your own?  You might want to check with your instructor about this.  I may be completely off on my thinking here, but that was the first thing that came to mind.  You might also want to check to see if your instructor can see your reply, too.  Hopefully you'll be able to get this resolved with your instructor soon.  Here's a Guide on how you can contact your instructor directly.

How do I get help with Canvas as a student?

If you and your instructor are both not sure what happened, then try reaching out to Canvas support using that same link I provided.

Good luck to you!  Keep us posted...thanks!

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Community Champion


Is this a group discussion?

What your describing is the behavior when is added to a group for a group discussion after they have already posted.

In a group discussion, there are two potential places a post could be made. There is a discussion for everyone who is in a group when the post is made and there is a discussion for everyone who isn't in a group when the post is made.

Any replies made while you are not in a group do not migrate to the group discussion once they are made. That means that no one else in the group discussion will be able to see what you've written.

Once you are in a group, then you are unable to see the posts for the non-group discussion because you are in a group and see that instead. 

When the instructor goes to grade the discussion in SpeedGrader, it does not show up because it was not made as part of a group.

For all practical purposes, it will look like your post has disappeared.

However, it is still there in the non-group discussion. The problem is that no one is looking there, they're looking at the group discussions.

If the instructor opens the discussion from the Discussion menu, rather than from SpeedGrader, and scrolls down then they will be able to see your post.

If the instructor assigned people to groups (as opposed to students self-selecting), then it is ultimately the instructor's fault as they should have made sure that groups were assigned before students were allowed to post. I suggest you not be so blunt when you tell them this. Instructors are human too and I'm sure it wasn't malicious. They probably don't realize what effect it had when they change groups after students have already posted.

If the instructor was to temporarily remove you from your group, you should be able see your first post. You would need to be put back into your group in order to see the rest of your posts. The instructor is unlikely to want to remove you from your group, so maybe they can copy/paste it and send it to you.

If this sounds like what happened, then you need to work with the instructor. Explain (nicely) that you made the discussion post before you were in a group and it went to the wrong place. Have them look at the main discussion page and not the groups (there's a blue box at the top that links to the group discussions). Let them see that you've posted. Let them know that Canvas is not showing it and that they will not see it in SpeedGrader, but that it was there.

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