Multiple Choice Questions

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Good afternoon,

Is there an option to delay the reveal of the options in MCQs by a few seconds to allow the learner to try and retrieve the answer through existing knowledge before the options are presented?

If not, is this something that could be considered to be built in as an option to use?

Thank you

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Redblade017,

I'm not aware of a way to do this currently in either classic quizzes or new quizzes.  I do see a similar idea (though not identical) at  [New Quizzes] Delay the ability to answer - Instructure Community - 585174.  The idea has not been categorized or evaluated yet, but if that were added, do you think it may work for you?  If not, I'd recommend you visit the ideas area of the community, where you could submit this as a new feature idea for consideration and read about the feature idea process and timeline.

Hope this helps!


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