Multiple choice weighted

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Compass allows multiple choice with weighted answers. Canvas only lets you have one right answer or several, but not weighted. This is a big loss. Can you please correct it?

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello there, @BruceRosenstock ...

I am not sure if your school is using the New Quizzes interface just yet or if they are still waiting to enable it for you and your fellow colleagues who also teach in Canvas.  To see the differences between current Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes, check out these two video tutorials:

The reason I bring up New Quizzes is that in Multiple Choice questions, you can vary points by answer.  I am not sure if this would totally get at what you are wanting to do in a Canvas quiz, but I wanted to share this Guide with you: How do I create a Multiple Choice question in New Quizzes? (look at the section about half-way down called "Vary Points by Answer").  If this would meet your needs but you do not yet have access to New Quizzes at your school, you'll need to have a conversation with your school's Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Learning department to see what their plan is for enabling the New Quizzes interface in your Canvas environment.  (Some schools are not enabling New Quizzes until Instructure fully enables it for all schools, by the way.)

If the suggestion I made does not meet your needs, then you might want to consider submitting a new Feature Idea here in the Community about this kind of request.  However, seeing that you are still a New Member here in the Community, you need to participate more in the Community before you can submit Feature Ideas.  I tried searching for existing Feature Ideas, but I couldn't find any that were similar to what you are requesting.  Normally, I would provide people with the following documents to look through:

I hope these resources will be of some help to you in some way, Bruce.  Please let Community members know if you have any other questions about this information...thanks!

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