Multiple users updating an item in Canvas Commons

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Hi Community,

I work with a team that manages several units in Canvas. These units share common pages, and when changes are made to the content, we have been manually editing each one individually. I want to streamline this by using Commons to upload and import content, with the goal of pushing global updates to all units that have imported it.

After some testing with colleagues, I noticed an issue: when updating an item in Commons (e.g., a page) that was previously shared by another user, Commons doesn't recognise it as the same item, even though it comes from the same course and location. It seems that Commons determines if the item is identical based on the uploader rather than the item itself.

Is my understanding correct? If so, is there a workaround for this?

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1 Solution
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Community Coach

@DavidJHall ...

Yes, your understanding is correct.  The information in the light blue box at the top of this Guide confirms what you've stated:

How do I update a resource I previously shared to ... - Instructure Community - 1813 (

Unfortunately, I don't know of any work-arounds for this other than to:

  • have the user re-share the resource
  • masquerade as the user and re-share the resource

Sorry I don't have better news for you, but I hope this helps to answer your question.

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