NEED RIGHT NOW to Access Lectures for test, How do I get support!!!!!!!!!

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I am looking to access more than 2 of my formerly recorded lectures for a test on Friday this coming. I SHOULD be able to access ALL of our recorded classes. Where are they?! I see two listed, when I contact my instutution they do not know how to access more lectures than the two posted, although there should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 lectures. Where is immediate customer/student support for this when I need help RIGHT NOW! 

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @JuliaBishop_Bea,

I can understand how frustrating the situation must be for you.  Unfortunately, this sort of question is usually something that your teacher/instructor would have to answer since they are generally the ones in charge of what content is available and where it is located in the course.  Your institution support would probably have the next most knowledge about and access to the course, so if they couldn't help there probably isn't much more the global community here can do either since almost everyone here is another Canvas user (student, teacher, or admin), but won't have any access to your specific account or course.  A final thought would be to asl a fellow student if they're able to find or access more than you, but that would only be possible if you have anyone else's contact info.

Apologies in advance, but this is about the best answer we can give here.


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