New Quizzes Breaking when Imported from Commons

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Hi! I have just published a course to Canvas which includes instructional materials and new quizzes based on formatting. When my colleague and I imported the materials from Commons to our own Fall courses as a test run before sending the information out to faculty who are piloting this for us, we both got error messages for the new quizzes, though everything else imported successfully.

I've attached a screenshot of what we see. It takes a very long time stuck on the "making a copy" wheel, and then ultimately fails every time. We both ensured that New Quizzes were activated in our courses, in case that was the issue.

The quizzes do draw from item banks; is that potentially the issue? Are new quizzes unable to be imported from Canvas? I've checked all the settings I could think of, and it doesn't look like anything is locked.


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1 Solution

HI @Taryn_PH

Thank you for including the image! Unfortunately, New Quizzes cannot be imported into courses from Commons at this time. This guide outlines that as a note at the top. However, the product team does have plans to develop the ability to do so. See the New Quizzes Roadmap.

I recommend subscribing to the roadmap page to ensure you are informed of updates as they become available. 


I hope this helps! 

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