New Quizzes PDF resources

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Looking for PDF resources on building New Quizzes with question pools. Thanks in advance!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there, @AshleyVoeks ...

Here are the Guides that relate to item banks in New Quizzes:

When you go to these Guides, do you have a three-dot kebab icon on the right side of your screen?  If so, when you click on that icon to bring up a pop-up menu, there is an option for "Printer Friendly Page".  You can then select the option to print the page...but on your screen where you would normally tell it to print to paper, you might be able to change the printer to "Save as PDF" (or something similar).  This would allow you to save the page as a PDF file to your computer.  Do you think that might work for your needs?

Keep us posted here in the Community.  Thanks!  Take care, and be well.

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