New quizzes multiple answers quiz

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In multiple answer question, how do I set up the points for automatic grading (e.g. one point pr correct answer two out of three possible)? 

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Thanks Ron.

Got an answer from Instructure: What I want to do is not possible in nwe quizzes. Understand it or NOT. 

Case is, a colleague set up an exam in new quizzes with both multiple choice and multiple answer questions. For the latter, he wanted the students to get partial credit, e.g. one point pr correct answer ticked and chose the Partial credit with penalty-option.

The multiple answer questions where not automatically graded – each of them came out with zero points and had to be manually graded.

The reply from Instructure was: Multiple answer questions only award students marks if all the answers they have chosen are correct. I'm left with a new question: How does the partial credit-possibility work then, as opposed to the exact match? And why is it not possible to count and credit e.g. two out of three ...?

I'll read the information in the links, and maybe learn something else on the way 🙂

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