Notifications in one course with many teachers

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We have a number of teachers in one course.

Can notifications be set, so that the teacher only gets notifications for their students?

Thank you!

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @NessCousins,

This will depend on how exactly the course and sections are set up.  If this is a single course with multiple sections, where each section has a teacher and their appropriate students listed, you should be able to to achieve the desired affect by limiting the teachers to only interact with people in their section (you'll need to do this for each teacher/section in the course).  If you enable that setting, teachers should only get notifications from the sections they are listed in, and not the entire course roster.  This may have some undesired side affects around creating assignments for the whole class though if that's something those teachers do, so please do keep that in mind.

I hope this helps a bit!


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