[ARCHIVED] Partial Credit Missing in New Quiz Builder

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Community Novice

We are using the new Quiz 2 Builder and it wont allow for partial credit in matching questions.  Will this be fixed or will the Classic Builder be supported for coming years which allows for partial credit?  We have heard its being discontinued which is why we moved away from Classic. 

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2 Solutions
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @hermanhome97 . I think when you say "Quiz 2 Builder" you mean you are creating quizzes using the New Quizzes tool versus the Classic Quizzes tool. We can't say definitively when or if partial credit for matching questions will be supported but you can follow the Release Notes‌ and/or User Group: New Quizzes‌ to try and stay informed and your Canvas admin can make this a discussion point when meeting with their CSM (Customer Success Manager).

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Community Team
Community Team

Hi Everyone! I wanted to highlight the 2021-01-15 Release Notes, notably the Matching Questions Partial-Credit announcement! This will apply to New Quizzes users next month.

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