Pop Quiz

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I would like to offer a Pop Quiz. However, when publishing a Quiz its existence and time and date of availability become visible to students. This eliminates the surprise and randomness of the quiz.

It would be a nice addition to have the option to publish a quiz such that its availability is set for the instructor but students do not see its existence until the time of its availability. 

If there is currently an option to accomplish this, I would be grateful if you point me in the right direction.



1 Solution
Community Champion


@wilfried gave a possible way to do it, but when I set that up, the quiz still shows up on the student to-do list.

Hiding the quiz navigation link just means that they cannot go to the quiz listings.  It seems that once you publish a quiz, it goes on the to-do list.  If you have a start date and time in the future, that information shows up when the quiz is clicked on.  I do not know of any feature that would allow you to set the quiz times and then provide an option of "Do not show Quiz until start time"

I also assume by pop quiz, you mean that during the class period that you want to announce - it is time for your pop quiz on Canvas.  You did not say if the class was online or in person, but it works for either (provided students are reguired to have a laptop in the class for pop quizzes).  

Maybe someone else has some ideas.  At first I thought wilfried's idea may work, but when I tried it did not. 

That idea got me to thinking about locking a module.  however, locking the module just shows up as a locked module to the student with all of the published content showing (but grayed out) so the students would still know a quiz was coming - they just don't know when it will be coming.  Plus, the quiz still shows in the to-do list and clicking on it there says when it will become available.

I think you are stuck with having it ready to publish in your course and then at the time you want it to be taken you have to publish it.

(Caveat - all of the above was done in classic quizzes.  I do not know about New Quizzes)


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