[ARCHIVED] Preparing for Campus Closure due to Coronavirus: On-campus to Online

Community Contributor

Hi all!  We are starting to prepare our entire campus here at FAU (Boca Raton, FL) for anything that might happen due to the Coronavirus, such as students needing to work off campus due to quarantine or if the campus needs to close.  The President recently sent out an email letting on-campus faculty know it would be "recommended" that they put their on-campus course online to prepare for this.  We are preparing to get flooded with faculty wanting to do this so our office is trying to get ready.  We have a checklist we're starting to set up, and a "getting started with Canvas" guide, as well as a few other items to go over with faculty who come in.  Does anyone have anything they'd recommend sharing or have you been through something similar and have suggestions?  Thanks for any help in advance! 

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