[ARCHIVED] Problem with SpeedGrader annotation tools

Community Novice


I am currently correcting reports that were handed in via Canvas as group assignments. Now, when I am trying to correct the reports I need to use the annotation tools (mostly the highlighter and strike through tool) to comment on their text and explain what's wrong.

It has gotten very frustrating because when I try to select the text I want to mark by left-click and drag it takes almost always 3-5 attempts until it reacts and let's me highlight or strike through. (My mouse is fine, it clicks everything else without any problems) I thought it might be that it thinks I am still commenting on the previous comment, so I hit enter to finish comments, but it doesn't help. Also if I just strike through multiple words (or try to) I get the issue that it simply doesn't mark the text I am trying to select right after. 

Am I missing something? or is this a bug? It is very time consuming and drags out report corrections unnecessarily. Could it be connected to the fact that multiple people are correcting submissions? We are obviously not correcting the same reports, but split up assignments from different groups!

I am seriously considering downloading the reports instead although that is so messy and SpeedGrader would be so convenient if it worked, because the time lost, just trying to comment is way too much.

Thankful for your help!


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