[ARCHIVED] Pulling a distribution of time taken on quiz for class

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I've found in the Moderate this Quiz option of Canvas I can determine, roughly, how long each student took their quiz attempt. By clicking on their name I can find out how long it took them to take each attempt. Additionally, I can find the Quiz Statistics area where I can find out how long, on average, it took students to complete a quiz. However, I cannot find where I can pull up the full distribution of time it took students to take a given quiz. 

Is this currently possible? I have sub-account admin access, so if it's only available in the admin menu I will be able to pull it up myself.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @kmallette 

In Quiz Statistics, you can find the average time spent on a quiz.

And, as you stated, in Moderation you can see how long it took each individual studentA


And, as you noted, you can use Moderation to view the individual student times.

I should add that as far as I know, that is as good as it gets in Canvas. The new Analytics 2.0 does not include this functionality yet, but I hear it is coming, and there is nothing better at the account level.

Is there something else you were looking for?


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