[QUIZ] Not get the most recent submission for grading

Community Member

We have some Canvas accounts that are used for temporary students to take online tests. These accounts will be recycled frequently.
Last weekend, one of accounts was used for a new student to take a test. I did change user information and update the password as needed. The student successfully logged-into Canvas using new password (no change about the SIS ID and Login ID) and took the quiz. However, when she submitted, the submission date displayed in Speed Grader was the one from the last submission of another student. The quiz answers were what recorded for the last submission as well.. This means that the student's quiz hasn't been saved on Canvas.
This is the first time we've encounter the issue. Honestly, we've recycled this account many times and we always get the most recent quiz submission on Canvas.
Is there anyone experiencing the same problem? And what can I do to get the most recent quiz data for our grading?

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