Quiz Available Unit date meaning

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When setting up a Quiz there are three adjustable dates: ' Due At,'  'Available From' and 'Available Until'

I understand that the 'Available Until'  date will allow students to take the quiz until this date.

Question:  Can students still see their final quiz with answers and my comments after the 'Available Until' date has passed?  Or, is the student completely locked out of accessing their quiz after the 'Available Until' date has passed ?

I would like students  to still be able to access their quiz  final results (each question correct answer and my comments) post the 'Available date';

However, I don't want students to be able to continue taking the quiz past its 'Due Date'

thanks, Glen

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1 Solution
Community Champion


For Classic Quizzes, there is an option to show and hide the results at certain times.

For New Quizzes, that functionality is not yet available. There was a feature request made for it five years ago in 2019: [New Quizzes] Show and Hide Quiz Results by Date that has 10 pages worth of comments. The Canvas New Quizzes Feature Comparison has the hide student responses available window listed as "on roadmap" as of April 1, 2024. The on roadmap directs you to the New Quizzes Hub. When you go through that, for Q3 2024, it says "Instructors will be able to manage results visibility settings within a New Quiz, streamlining feedback and instructional quality for students" and if you expand that, you get "When creating a quiz, instructors can choose whether to show feedback and correct answers. Now they will also be able to schedule when results are visible for students." According to their roadmap, it is coming sometime in July-September, 2024.

Students can take their quizzes after the due date up until the available until date. If you want them to not take it after the due date, then make the available until the same as the due date.

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