Quiz Grade Issue

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I've graded a short answer quiz for my students, and some of them had to reattempt due to a glitch. For any student who reattempted, I cannot get their score to show up in the gradebook. When I click to enter, the grade they made pops up, but it will NOT save/stay in the column. This isn't a settings issue because it is only happening for some students, so I'm not sure what else to try. 

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hey @wtaylor1993 !

Sorry to hear you are having this experience!  How long has it been since it has been doing this for this quiz.  I would suggest waiting for a day or two to see if it works itself out.  Have you asked if the students are seeing the grades from their view?

If it does not take care of itself, I would suggest contacting Canvas support to see if there is anything they are able to do.


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