Random students grades not showing in Speed Grader

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I have a civics teacher who is giving a Quiz in Canvas.  Most of his students' scores are transferring nicely to the Gradebook in Canvas, however random students are not posting.  To get their scores the teacher needs to get into the quiz and click on moderate to see the score.  Is there any way to get those scores to automatically post?  There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to the students who are not showing up.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Is the quiz in question a New Quiz?  If it is, I highly recommend that you reach out to Canvas Support about the issue.  There have been instances where grades for New Quiz submissions to not pass into the SpeedGrader and Gradebook.  If this is the case, Canvas Support would need to correct the issue.

How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor? 

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