Reset password

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As an administrator, how do I help students reset password?

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Community Coach

Hi there, @JanetThiel ...

Students should be able to reset their passwords on their own following the steps in this Guide:

How do I reset my password as a student?

I'm not sure how your login authentication is set up for Canvas at Georgian Court University, but many schools have set up some sort of single sign-on (SSO) process, and so they do not necessarily use the "out of the box" login screens that Canvas provides.  Schools use their own login screens, and so resetting a password may have a different process at your school compared to how it is described in the linked Guide.  Refer to the light blue box in that Guide for a better explanation.

If your school is using the standard Canvas login page and if you needed to change a student's password for him/her, you could do that using this Guide:

How do I manage a user's login information in an account?

Scroll down to the section on "Edit Login" where you can click on the pencil icon to put in a new password for the student to use.  (Again, read through the information in the light blue box of this Guide, too.)

I hope this will help a bit.  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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