Restrict viewing quiz to only once after each attempt in new quizzes

Community Member

I find it completely ridiculous that students can see the entire test and results until the test closes in Canvas since there is no option to view "only once after each  attempt" like there was with classic quizzes.  Otherwise you have to block everything and they can't see their exam which leaves 25 students at my door waiting to go over an exam individually.   I am even more disappointed by Canvas in that it looks like this has been an issue since at least 2019 in new quizzes and many posts/requests to fix this and yet NOTHING from Canvas.  This is the most ridiculous feature.  So if an exam is open for 2 days so students can choose when to take it, the students have all the time in the world to screenshot or record and certainly can pass it along to everyone else in the class.  This is a nightmare for online classes and online testing. 

PLEASE bring back "view results only once" and "view answers available to/from" that was in classic quizzes! Technology is supposed to be moving forward, yet Canvas is moving us back!  I am having to go back to paper/pencil testing to protect the integrity of the test. 


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