Revoce rubrics from old courses in 'find rubric'

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I've seen some suggestions re removing rubrics, but none seem to address exactly what I want!

I've attached an image of what I see when I create a new assignment and select 'find rubric'. Some of these courses are years old and the tasks no longer relevant. I want to delete them!

If I go to each course and select 'rubrics' I on;y see the rubrics in the current course that I want to keep.


1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @FelicityNewton ...

I can understand how having a long list of rubrics from your current and past courses can be a bit of an annoyance.  And, I can understand the want/need to not have them listed.  However, I think that if you have used a rubric in your course, it's going to remain there.  That's the no-so-good news.  But, I do have some better news for you.  @James Jones has developed a "Canvancement" (Canvas Enhancement) that makes finding your rubrics a lot easier because it puts the current course as the top of the list rather than you having to scroll through potentially a long list of courses that have already ended.

Sorting the Find a Rubric dialog

You'll want to install the Tampermonkey add-on for Chrome as described in James' blog post.

I hope this will be a bit of a time saver for you!  James is super helpful if you have questions, and you can post those right on the link I've provided.  Good luck!

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