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Set up a blueprint course child courses

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We have two courses that have a didactic and a clinical component.  The student has to pass both of the components to pass the course.  We can weigh each component according to the percentage of the course but cannot sub-weigh each of the components.  For example:  The didactic is 60% of the course and clinical is 40% of the course.  We have assignments, quizzes, and discussion questions for the didactic portion and clinical assignments and performance grades for the clinical component.  We need to apply weights to each of these groups.  

I was told that a blueprint and child courses can be set up to accomplish this but our Canvas coordinator is not able to figure out how to set this up.  Is there a training video or script that can walk them through that process/

Thank you so much!!!!

Anna Fowler

Director of Nursing 

Highland Community College

Atchison, KS

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @afowler1 , if I'm understanding correctly, you are needing to weight the assessments -- this is done on the Assignments page with Assignment Groups.

You would need to create two Assignment Groups -- call one Didactic and the other Clinical.

Move the Assignments to the correct Assignment Group.

Then you can set the Assignment Group weights.

Is this what you're looking for?

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