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Typically the only option I give students is the text box entry option yet students are still somehow uploading documents. How to I prevent this?   

  • 4 Replies

Can we create an option to have only "student graders" accounts to grade anonymously? We have found that the Anonymous Grading feature is helpful but we cannot determine which students have submitted the assignment or not.  

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way on the admin side to default notifications to be off on all course? I would like to be able to turn them all off and then have teachers have the ability to turn things on if they want to, but right now there is just way too many notifi...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Outcomes in Merged Course/Sections to help reporting and importing.Is there a way to have Outcomes report to a specific section of a Merged/Crosslisted set of courses/section? All information reports back to the Parent/Primary section number. I'm thi...

  • 1 Replies

I find the limit of only 25 questions for the preview of questions extremely frustrating!  Please increase this or loet me decide how many I want to see at once.  Ideally, allow for ALL as an option!    

  • 5 Replies

I'm trying to add the 'integration_id' fields to a batch of users (just working on Canvas TEST instance at the moment) but I'm getting the above error message when I come up with a csv file with 4 columns only: integration_id, user_id, login_id and s...

  • 6 Replies

Currently we use a third party website to leave frame accurate comments on video submission (we use don't believe Canvas currently has this option, but I'm wondering how do I see about getting something like this integrated?

  • 1 Replies

How can I send an appraisal to each single student?

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi everyone, Canvas is automatically submitting course evaluations (surveys) for one of my students. Each survey for each module has no time limit, and the student says that she's not sure why this is happening. It's already submitted every survey fo...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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I have a sub account that needs to change the 2024 Summer courses end date. Is there a way to change the date for them all at once or do you have to do it individually? 

  • 4 Replies

I work at a school in our tech department and have run across a weird issue.  I have a student who uses an iPad for his schoolwork and when he completes an assignment (either views a lesson or submits work), the assignment or lesson will have a green...

  • 1 Replies

I am an instructor in multiple courses. Students are submitting to an assignment portal after the assignment has already been graded. My question is if the assignment portal can be set to "locked" after a grade is given to a submitted assignment to a...

  • 2 Replies

We have a professor who was gone for years; since that time we moved from Canvas logins to SAML logins.  When they came back, there was some login confusion, so we updated his login information in Canvas, removing his Canvas credentials and keeping h...

  • 1 Replies

Where is the notice that said All courses was going to be moved?

  • 2 Replies

If I create a quiz and accidentally delete it, is it GONE or is there a magical recycle bin somewhere that I am not seeing? I hope....  Help! 

  • 2 Replies

How do I get students in my Canvas class?

  • 1 Replies

We are currently testing ILP in Canvas, within the test instances on both ends. We have been able to successfully run batch jobs, however, we can't seem to get it to turn "on" for automatic changes. Has anyone else run into this issue before? We have...

  • 4 Replies

I teach a self paced course. Is there a way to mass assign due dates per module? This needs to be added!!  I understand the bulk edit where you can adjust by # of days but that doesn't help me. Can bulk edit have an added feature to assign an actual ...

  • 5 Replies

Is there a way once the grading period has come to an end to mark all assignments missing? Or do you need to do this individually per assignment?  

  • 1 Replies

This year I'm having multiple students end up messaging the whole class when they meant to just message the teacher using inbox messages. They insist that they're selecting just my name and not adding the whole class. This wasn't something my student...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, I will be out of the country for the first two weeks of the second semester. I was wondering if I need to create new courses in Canvas to submit assignments via Canvas during those two weeks that I will be out.

  • 1 Replies

We are using the Learning Mastery Gradebook for about half of our classes and the traditional gradebook for the others. We just began our winter term today and the courses using the traditional gradebook have rolled over to the winter grading period....

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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how do i get to do my final exam 

  • 1 Replies

I originally linked my school google drive to my canvas account, but now want to change it to my personal google drive.  I can't find a place to do that.  When I go into Google Drive on the Menu, it just tells me that I need to Authorize the gdrive, ...

  • 1 Replies

When other teachers share content with me I try to import and the assignment/quiz doesn't show up in my Modules.  

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I usually record weekly videos where I go over the list of assignments and tasks using the "View as Test Student" feature. However, I've noticed that the same requirements are imposed on the test student which means I am unable to move forward withou...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

A few of my students failed a discussion board and I want to give them the chance to resubmit - how do I allow multiple attempts on a discussion board? canvas

  • 1 Replies

I have searched topics on how to delete an instructor's comment regarding a student's assignment. I found three options: 1) hover over the comment *2) click on an "x" *3) click on a "t" (cross). None of these have been successful. How do I delete a c...

  • 6 Replies

Canvas Error Description: I'm a student at MSJC in Temecula, and I have an art assignment where I have to upload pictures onto the discussion board. I already took the photos in JPG format like my professor asked us to, but Canvas won't let me upload...

  • 1 Replies

I am interested in creating computer-based exams on Canvas LMS, similar to the full-screen layout used in IELTS.Specifically, I would like a split-screen layout where the left side displays text passages and the right side is dedicated to answers. Id...

  • 1 Replies