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I cannot find a way to pause audio/video while recording feedback for student assignments. Given the complexities of some feedback, lag time, etc., this would be a valuable tool to be included; furthermore, the media file record dialogue box covers the students' assignments, so the only way to see the assignment while recording is to have multiple browser tabs open simultaneously and be sure you're advancing to the correct student in both. The recording option is very beneficial, but it has oversights that hinder its usage.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

I'm not sure what method was used to turn in the video. Was a file attached? It is is Canvas Studio? Is it a linked YouTube video? Is it in someone's Google Drive?

Can you download the A/V file and open it in a media player on your local machine? That might let you pause it.

Alternately, if the video file is online, can you open it in a new window and try to pause it there?

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