Sticky Fields Question

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I just want to make sure I understand sticky fields correctly:

I think I understand if I make a manual change in the UI to a field that is "sticky", the next time I run an SIS CSV feed file manually or via SFTP, that field will not change to what is in the SIS CSV feed file unless I check the "Override UI changes" box when manually uploading an SIS CSV file via the UI.  And if I remember correctly, the option to override the UI changes is not even possible via SFTP.  Is this all accurate?

But my main question is then if I never manually changed the sticky field via the UI but I want to send a change to records in a field in the SIS CSV feed file via SFTP then those records in that field will get updated in the UI right?

For example in the original SIS CSV courses feed file sent via SFTP, in the short_name field or long_name field, we sent the title of Comp I but want to send an updated SIS CSV courses feed file via SFTP with an updated title of Composition I for the short_title or long_title fields.  My question is since both are sticky fields, would the titles get updated in the UI via the updated SIS CSV course file sent via SFTP as long as they were not updated in the UI?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @casey_eubank,

If nothing has been changed in the UI, and everything was created with SIS CSV files in the first place, then changes you make in the CSV files should be processed and show up just fine in Canvas.  You'd only have the changes in a CSV "ignored" if changes to the sticky fields were made in the UI.


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