Student View

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Hi, I teach Middle School.  Modeling student work is essential to learning.  Therefore I rely heavily on 'student view' so my classroom display User Interface matches there individual devices (we are 1:1 device school).  However, I am frustrated that I can't use my teacher email for login in 3rd party LTI apps like Google.  Instead I am forced to leave 'student view' so I can view the LTI tools that require email login.  

A Canvas engineer once told me that this is because 'student view' is the same as 'observer view' for parents.  If that is true, why can't engineers separate the two views and give teachers access to their accounts while in 'student view'.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi @jglassy 

I can understand your frustration. I am a former middle school educator and I would have done the same activity. Since it's unlikely Instructure is going to make that change any time soon, here are a couple suggestions.

Could you ask one of your students to login and demonstrate the activity?  I often did this with my students because they seemed more attentive when a peer was at the front.  And, it freed me up to move about the classroom and monitor behavior! You could utilize a second web browser for this to work.  Just make sure the student logs out afterward, or set the browser to clear all cookies and login information each time it closes. 

This would take more work, but would it be possible to ask your school to create a demo student account for you and enroll it in the course?

Until then, you can submit your idea to the idea conversation discussion.  It might get picked up by the engineers at Instructure.  A fully functioning Student View would be something I would vote for!


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