Student withdrawal from class impacts peer reviews

Community Contributor

One of our instructors has asked the question below.  I turned first to the Canvas Instructor Guides before submitting here.  There was information about how peer comments remain for a student  who withdraws from a class, but there didn't seem to be an answer for Student A who submitted their review on Student B who has now withdrawn from a class and Student A isn't getting credit for having submitted a peer review.

"If a student withdraws from a class, they disappear fully. That is fine except for situations involving peer reviews.

Part of the grade given to students on essays involves: "Did the student complete a peer review?" If a student writes a peer review for a peer who then withdraws from class, the system currently does not have a correct status for that. Right now, it states basically that no peer review was completed for that student, which is false. They did complete a peer review; however, that peer's account is not removed from the course. There needs to be a corrective if/then measure in the software so that when a student is no longer in class, peer reviews done by other students are still marked as COMPLETED (even if those reviews can no longer be visible to the grader."

I can submit this through a Canvas ticket, but thought I'd check with the community first to see if others know an answer?


Judy L. Harmon

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