Students Should be Able to see Earlier Submissions

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Years ago I had asked Canvas if it is possible for students to see their earlier submissions after uploading a revision. For a writing class--wherein students need to reflect on their drafting--this is very important. (I realize they can download a PDF with my annotations on any submission, and that I can set up separate "draft" assignments. Those are not always practical choices, such as in a class with many short writing assignments. Also, it's not practical to think students will always download that PDF).

Canvas had said they would make this possible when I reached out years ago. Is this in the works?

Thanks so much, and overall Canvas is amazing!!

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2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good evening, @ProfessorH2021 ...

If your school's Canvas administrator(s) has/have turned on "Assignment Enhancements" for students, then they would be able to see each attempt that they made for a given assignment.  Please check out this Guide:

How do I view an assignment in a course using Assi... - Instructure Community (

Scroll about half-way down, and you'll find a section on "View Assignment".  In the screenshot, take a look at label #2...where it shows you the attempt.  That's a drop-down list where students could cycle through any and all attempts that have been made.

If "Assignment Enhancements" has not yet been enabled for students, you might want to talk with your school's Canvas admin team to see if they have any up-coming plans to enable this for all of the students at your school.

I hope this will help in some way.  Sing out if you have any questions...thanks!

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Hi @ProfessorH2021 -

I'm going to add something to Chris's reply. If students use the Canvas Student app, they have the ability to review past drafts/submissions without Assignment Enhancements being enabled. With the smaller screen, it may be more difficult to read, but the files can be reviewed.

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