Studerande ska inte kunna avregistrera sig från kurser [Students should not be able to unregister from courses]

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Vi har problem med att studenter/användare tar bort sig själva  från kursen. Det blir problematiskt eftersom data som betyg försvinner. Finns det någon inställning man kan göra så att de studerande inte kan avregistrera sig från en kurs?

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We have problems with students/users removing themselves from the course. It becomes problematic because data like ratings disappear. Is there a setting that can be made so that students cannot unregister from a course?

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello there, @StinaGranath ...

At the Canvas administrative level, there are permissions that can be configured so that students are not allowed to enroll and/or remove themselves from courses.  These permission settings are covered in the Guide:

How do I set permissions for a course-level role i... - Instructure Community (

If you are not a Canvas administrator at your school, I would encourage you to have a conversation with their Canvas administrator or someone from their Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education team to see what permissions are currently set.  You might be able to do some basic troubleshooting as to why students would be able to remove themselves from a course.

I'll also note that if you add students back in to the course, their data for the course should return to how it was before they had been I hope this might be of help, too.

Let members of the Community know if you have any questions...thanks!

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