This placement requires Deep Link support by the vendor. Check with your tool vendor to ensure they support this functionality

Community Member


really sorry to open that point again but I saw a identical issue never answered in the past and I'm trying to push on it, the situation seems the same. 

In fact I'm trying to publish One Drive content into canvas's articles page with an embeeded code.

For this reason I've followed the documentation and now I can see the Key development configurated, but when I look for the One Drive icon I can't see. So I saw that error, that maybe is the cause of missing: 

"This placement requires Deep Link support by the vendor. Check with your tool vendor to ensure they support this functionality" (check attached file). 

The one drive section or icon never appears. 

We need to include embeeded documents on pages. 

Please help me with this, it will very aprecited.

Thanks in advance, 
