Weighted grades

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Community Novice

When you have a weighted category such as quizzes and the weight is 30% and you want another weight within the 30%; how can this be done.

For example: the final exam is 30% and you want to add another grade to be 5% of that 30%???



1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @vphares  Welcome to the Canvas Community. Unfortunately, there is not a way to do this presently within Canvas. The quickest way to accomplish this task is to assign a point value to something in that category that is 5% of whatever else you may have within there.  So, if you have 5 quizzes that are each worth 100 points in that weighted group, you would have to have another item worth 5 points.  (I'm using nice, round numbers here! Smiley Happy )

You may be interested in voting "up" this Feature Idea:  https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/7130-assignment-weighting-in-assignment-groups .

Hope this helps a bit, Vanessa.

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