[ARCHIVED] Why is my course not authorized for cross-listing?

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I am trying to cross-list a section into another course, but when I enter the course to cross-list into, I always see the message "Course xxxx not authorized for cross-listing."

I am doing this in our institution's Canvas test server. I am masquerading as the instructor for these courses. These courses are for the fall 2015 term, which hasn't started yet. I have tried it with both courses published and with both courses unpublished. I have tried it by searching for the course name, and by entering the course ID. The result is the same every time.

This is what the message looks like:


Is there a way to find out why the course is not authorized for cross-listing?

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2 Solutions
Community Contributor

Joshua and Lisa

I have been carrying out a lot of cross-listing recently - I have found it is better to use the SIS code where it says 'Or Enter the Course's ID.  You can find the SIS code from the Course Settings where is should display the SIS ID - an example of an SIS ID at our institution is C2014-A01872.  I have found it easier to use the SIS code rather than the Banner code.  I have, however, also received the same message as you at various times that the course is not authorised for cross-listing.

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi Joshua,

I wasn't able to see any recent changes for cross-listing; the most recent ticket that was submitted was in 2013. However, that doesn't mean this issue can't be revisited; have you submitted a ticket to our Support team? If not, please do.

We confirmed with the support team that the current permissions that are required to cross-list a course are:

  • Add/remove other teachers, course designers or TAs to the course
  • Add/remove students for the course
  • Manage (create / edit / delete) course sections

This information has been added to the PDF referenced above. We apologize it was inadvertently omitted. Should anything change in the future with cross-listing permissions we'll be happy to revise.



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