anonymous grading

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Is there a way to allow a grader/teaching assistant to enter comments for assignments anonymously? Currently, the grader's name appears whenever they enter something into the comments box. I do not want students to see the grader's name. This could easily be done in Blackboard, but I'm not sure whether this is possible in Canvas.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @RobertMadrigal ...

There are two settings at the Canvas administrator level that can be enabled:


From a Canvas administrator perspective, there are essentially four "states" that each of these two options can have:

  • On for all courses with no option to turn it off at the course level
  • On for all courses with the option to turn it off at the course level
  • Off for all courses with the option to turn it on at the course level
  • Off for all courses with no option to turn it on at the course level

If you go into one of your courses, go to the "Settings" screen, and then click on the "Feature Options" tab.  Do you see either of these listed?  If so, then your school is allowing you to turn them on/off per course (by clicking on the red x or the green checkmark next to each option).  Also, these two Guides may be of help:

If you aren't able to turn on either of these options, then you'll want to have a conversation with your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Learning team to see if they would be willing to enable it at the Canvas account level.  Just keep in mind that if it's enabled (via one of the options I've described above), then it will be enabled for all courses within that account.

I hope this will be of some help to you!  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!


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