attendance tool not seeing students from cross-listed course.

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I have a class where all students appear in the people list. The ones who were crosslisted from a different section than the home course do not appear in the attendance tool. I do not see how to include these students in the combined course. 

I attached a screenshot (without student information) that shows the top listed student who is in sections 3 and 4 on the people listing who does not show in the attendance tool. 

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Good afternoon, @tmurphy ...

Just to confirm...  when you click on the "Attendance" button within your course, underneath the "Roll Call" heading which appears at the top left corner of the interface, there is a drop-down list where you can select your different sections within the course.  Do you see this?  As an example, check out this Guide:

How do I take roll call using the Attendance tool? - Instructure Community (

Look at the screenshot example under the heading "View Attendance".  There is a drop-down list labeled as #3 in this screenshot.

Hope this helps!  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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