building a new quiz

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I built a new quiz but there is no option to save it.

When I go back to modules & open up the quiz, there is nothing

when I go back to quizzes & click on it there, all the questions are still there

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @StevenDickerson ...

If you are building questions using the New Quizzes interface, there is no "Save" button like you were used to in Classic Quizzes.  In New Quizzes, when you click on the "Build" button to start editing your quiz, you can add your questions to the quiz (clicking on the "Done" button once your question is the way you want), but there is no final "Save" button to save the New Quiz as a whole.  Everything is automatically saved for you.  This is different process from the way you were used to building Classic Quizzes.

If you are using Classic Quizzes, then there is a final "Save" button at the very bottom right corner of the quiz that you must click on to ensure that all your questions are saved.  It is not enough to just click on the "Update Question" button for each you must also click on the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.

I hope this will help a bit.  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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