can't see students discussion posts in the Canvas.

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Community Novice

I can't use the speed grader to access students' discussion posts. Do you know what's wrong with it?

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1 Solution

If the discussions are set to be regular discussions rather than group discussions, you should be able to see the filtered posts for individual students in Speedgrader.  Alternatively, you can keep them as group discussions and just click the "View full discussion" link and see all the posts in that discussion board, and just search for the student's posts.

For one instructor here (who got me investigating this in the first place), he decided to enabled the Discussions Redesign feature option ( see ) in the course, since the Discussions Redesign allows you to search for posts from a specific user, so he could use that to filter when viewing the full discussion in Speedgrader.  (It's not a perfect solution, though, since it also shows the full course menu in Speedgrader, and things can get weird if you start clicking around to other parts of the course...)

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