copy courses from one canvas school instance to another canvas school instance

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Hi all,

I need to copy my master courses from one canvas school instance to another canvas school instance. 

I am the Canavs IT Admin for 2 schools (same parent company), and I would like to copy all the master shell

courses for a few programs from 1 canvas school instance to the other canvas school instance. I do not need any enrollment data, just the course shells so to speak.

what is the best way to do this?


Thank you,

Michael Plotsker

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1 Solution
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Community Coach

@mplotsker ...

I'm not sure how many courses you have, but if you are only talking about a handful of courses, you would want to first export each course as a *.imscc file.  Then, in your other Canvas environment, you would upload that file into a new course shell.  The two Guides you'd want to look at are:

There may be other ways to do this quicker via other back-end methods, but I'm not real familiar with how that I'll let others respond if they know of a way to do a "batch" process of some kind.  Good luck!

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