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Has anyone noticed a SpeedGrader UI issue since the 2022-08-03 update? There appears to be lots of space when between the "View Rubric" button and  the "Assignment Comments" area. Clicking the View Rubric Button and then clicking Cancel beneath the r...

  • 5 Replies

Can someone confirm where the servers are located for users in the UK. many thanksHelen

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

My dashboard is freezing or glitching. the classes are flickering as if they are having trouble loading. I cant get the class to load on my laptop as before. does anyone know how to fix this? I tried logging out and logging in and nothing changes. ho...

  • 4 Replies

No puedo acceder a la versión beta con mi usuario y contraseña. En cambio, no tengo problemas para acceder al entorno de producción. ¿Qué puede ser? ¿Me podéis ayudar? Gracias.

  • 1 Replies

I have a lot of entries in Canvas modules. when I try and edit one of the entries, it crashes the browser. When the edit box opens and I try to edit, the screen fades with a spinning circle. The browser then freezes errors out.  I've tried every brow...

  • 6 Replies

I accidentally uploaded the wrong file for my final assignment, and when I try and click the delete button, I get prompted with: Error updating submission draftI also have trouble uploading multiple files and get the same messageThis is incredibly fr...

  • 4 Replies

Hi ,I am an assistant administrator of Canvas at my university . We have two students who are unable to access their course work on Canvas using a Google Chromebook . The students are able to login , but after that , the courses don't show up on the ...

  • 16 Replies

We already use the old Google Apps/Drive LTI tool since 2017.  We see there is a Google Assignments (LTI 1.3) but it says you have to have Google Workspace for Education (formerly G Suite) and not sure if that means we would have to then manage all o...

  • 2 Replies

I have seen a lot of chatter about Canvas/ but I cannot find where this was done.  I will be using to teach APCS Principles and we were just introduced to Canvas in our district.  Has anyone mapped the curriculum into a Canv...

  • 1 Replies

I'm trying to get the time that a student spent on an attempt. When checking a submission, there's the value on the top that says: This attempt took x minutes.Is there an endpoint that exposes this information?Thanks.

  • 1 Replies

Are students able to see Grading Notes on a question when they are answering that question while taking the quiz?

  • 3 Replies

I need to contact the Customer Support Manager person/people for our school district. I don't have this information from the previous person in the district admin role. How do I go about finding this information?

  • 1 Replies

If I imported the wrong version of a course into a new course shell, how do I delete the material and start anew?

  • 1 Replies

Hi, I am a grad student at The University of Northern Colorado. I am currently experiencing a technical issue and my course on canvas is not loading. It is showing white but not loading the course. It is a somewhat urgent issue because I am finalizin...

  • 1 Replies

I am having an issue with canvas since yesterday afternoon. My classes are not loading (They just blink) and I'm unable to see or do any work. I tried using canvas on different browsers and different devices, only for the same results. Can somone ple...

  • 7 Replies

As an instructor, I am giving weekly performance grades to 6 students. Each student has their own rubric.Do I set this up as an assignment to an individual student even though students aren't turning anything in? If it's an assignment, will it alert ...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to pull a report of students' grades across multiple classes? I am an instructor and have students who are in multiple classes with me and would love to be able to pull a report of their grades across all of the classes I am teaching t...

  • 2 Replies

I am new to Canvas.  I created a blank course for a teacher.  We then wanted to replace that course with a copy of another teachers pages.  I deleted the blank course and copied the other teachers course.  All worked fine, except I want to give the n...

  • 2 Replies

My calendar used to text wrap so I could see the title of the course easily. Now all I have are little bars with the date and time and I can only see the title if I click the bar or hover over it. It is super inconvenient and it makes the calendar si...

  • 2 Replies

Hello!I'm trying to set up exams in canvas so that students have one week to take the exam on their time. During this week, I'd like to have the setting so students can not go back and see the exam as to minimize cheating. After the due date, I'd lik...

  • 3 Replies

When I clicked to log in, it takes me to the DOE main landing page.What do I do?

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone have a way to create a dropdown menu under MODULES on the navigation bar? I'd like to toggle through and not have to keep using the back arrow and clicking on module again. PowerSchool has a great navigation bar where you can see the page...

  • 9 Replies

I pasted some content into a canvas page, the new text was in a different font, now I can't figure out how to set it to the same font as the rest of the text that was already on the page.  It's not Lato.  Do I need to go through all 20+ fonts on a tr...

  • 1 Replies

For some reason my canvas profile has me as a student but I need to be switched to a teacher, please help! 

  • 3 Replies

We've been experiencing issues with scorm files not copying over when a template course is copied. We've verified that the files exist in the templates. It doesn't happen every time or for every template. It seems to be hit or miss. It happens to dif...

  • 5 Replies

In Speed-grader I used to see the yellow-orange dot (un-graded items) were lumped together at the top.  Now they are spread out through the whole roll.  Can I make the grouping happen again?  It is much faster!

  • 1 Replies

When I am looking at an old quiz, I do not have the option of looking at it in SpeedGrader. Has this option been removed for old quizzes?

  • 1 Replies

Across all my courses the Discussion and Announcement sections are blank. The only way I can go to one is if I go back through my email and find one I can click a link to a specific threaded response. I can go to that response, but not to the thread ...

  • 4 Replies

I see all over the internet examples of teachers annotating student submissions in speed grader. In these speedgraders, you can clearly see options to draw and add text to student assignments. I have attached an image as an example.  However, in my s...

  • 10 Replies