creare homepage in un gruppo

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Ho creato dei gruppi, dal gruppo ho generato la pagina e assegnato come front page, ma non la visualizzo come home page. Come mai?

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning, @CarolinaTironi ...

I was able to replicate what you have described.  I created a Group Set with some Groups in my sandbox course.  I went to one of the Groups home page, and then I created a content page in the Group.  Then, I set it as the "Front Page".  But, when I clicked on the "Home" button for the Group, my page that I assigned as the "Front Page" did not show.

Normally, in a course (not a group), once you assign a page as a "Front Page", you can then tell Canvas to use that front page as the "Home" page ... following the instructions outlined in this Guide:

How do I change the Course Home Page?

But, as you can see from this Guide: How do I view content and student activity within ... - Instructure Community ( ... there is no option for you to set the "Home" page when in a Group that you have created ... even though you can assign a page as a "Front Page" ... which I know seems strange.

I was able to search the Canvas Community, and I found an existing Feature Idea that seems to be similar to what you are referring to:

Allow Groups to set Homepage

I'd suggest leaving a comment on that Feature Idea as to why this is important to you (including examples if you can).  Also, you can give that Feature Idea a star rating.  More about this at:

How do idea conversations work in the Instructure Community?

I hope these resources will be of some help to you.  Sing out if you have questions...thanks!

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