grade book

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how can I stop students from seeing other students grades

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi there, @RosemaryDonley ...

Generally speaking, that should not be happening...where a student is seeing someone else's grades.  That seems like a violation of FERPA.  Can you describe anything in your course that might be causing this?  Do you have any group assignments?  Are your assignments all individually completed?  Are there specific areas of Canvas where students are seeing each other's grades?  I'm not sure if screenshots would help here (being careful not to display student names...because: FERPA).  If there are any areas of your course you might be able to identify that might be causing this, that might help.

You might also want to visit this page on your school's website to reach out to the eLearning / Distance Education department to see if they could be of some help.

Canvas Transition Information | Duquesne University

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!

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