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Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-02-17)

Canvas Deploy Notes (2021-02-17)

Canvas deploys contain code changes that are intended to fix bugs, improve performance, and prepare for new features, but they do not affect customer workflows. These deploys take place every two weeks and can be tested in the beta environment before the production deploy date indicated in the title of this document. Intended changes in workflow are noted in the Canvas Release Notes published monthly.

Deploy notes may include notable fixed bugs, resolved fixes in Known Issues, and other updates that do not affect user functionality.


  • Subscribe to the deploy notes page to be notified of posted deploy notes
  • For Canvas Platform Service changes (API, GraphQL, Canvas Data), please see the appropriate page in the Change Log 
  • Other questions? Visit the Canvas Deploy FAQ 


Deploy Notes Change Log


Interface Updates


Account Settings 

Feature Option State Tooltips

This update is part of the Feature Option Management changes, originally included in the
Canvas Release Notes (2021-01-16)


Tooltips are included in the Feature Options tab.

Change Benefit

This change helps admins understand the states of each feature option.

Affected User Roles


When an admin views the Feature Options tab in Account Settings, hovering over the state of a feature option with a mouse displays a tooltip explaining the state. 


Account Feature Options

State: Enabled and Unlocked

Tooltip: Allowed for subaccounts/courses, default on

State: Enabled and Locked

Tooltip: Enabled for all subaccounts/courses

In the Courses section, feature options that are enabled and locked do not display at the course level.

State: Disabled and Unlocked

Tooltip: Allowed for subaccounts/courses, default off

State: Disabled and Locked

Tooltip: Disabled for all subaccounts/courses

In the Courses section, feature options that are disabled and locked do not display at the course level.

Course Feature Options

State: Enabled and Unlocked

Tooltip: Optional in course, default on

State: Disabled and Unlocked

Tooltip: Optional in course, default off

Admin Tools

Bounced Emails CSV File

This update is part of the Bounced Emails Tab, originally included in the
Canvas Release Notes (2021-01-16)


Search results can be downloaded as a CSV file.

Change Benefit

This change allows admins to download the list of bounced emails.

Affected User Roles


After search results display in the Bounced Emails tab, the Bounced Emails page displays a download link. Results can be downloaded as a CSV file.





Individual Student View Updates

This update is part of the Individual Page Student View button, originally included in the
Canvas Release Notes (2020-12-19)


The quick-access individual Student View button throughout supported Canvas pages has been updated with various updates. 

Change Benefit

These changes improve the Student View experience for instructors.

Affected User Roles


The quick-access individual Student View button throughout supported Canvas pages has been updated with various updates. 

  • The text Student View is included in the button
  • The Student View button has been removed from the Course Settings page
  • The Student View button is visible in smaller screen sizes, including browsers on mobile devices



Other Updates


Account Settings

Immersive Reader Trial Label Removal

The Free Trial (Wiki Pages) label has been removed from the Microsoft Immersive Reader feature option. This change indicates that this feature has been changed from a free trial to a standard feature in Canvas. No existing functionality has been affected.

Additional changes to this feature may be announced in a future Canvas release or deploy.

Fixed Bugs




Odd rows in the People Index Page display a color contrast of 3:1 for the default Canvas interface and 4.5:1 for high contrast profiles.


The Due Date column includes a header.


Assignment Enhancements and Concluded Groups

The Assignment Enhancements feature does not affect file uploads for group assignments.

Explanation: When a student had a concluded enrollment in a course where they were added to a student group, and the student was enrolled in another active course with the Assignment Enhancements feature enabled for a group assignment, an attempt to upload a file for the group failed because Canvas tried to access the group files folder in the concluded course. Canvas code has been updated to access the group files folder in the active course.

Assignment Enhancements and Media Files

Media files can be viewed in the Rich Content Editor.

Explanation: When the Assignment Enhancements feature was enabled, media added to the description of the assignment using the classic Rich Content Editor could not be viewed by students. Canvas code has been updated to display media in the Rich Content Editor.


Canvas MFA QR Codes and Google Authenticator

The QR code for an institution’s multi-factor authentication includes the name of the Canvas account.

Explanation: When multi-factor authentication was enabled for an account, the label for the QR code in Google Authenticator only displayed Canvas and not the name of the account. Canvas code has been updated to include the name of the account.


Lock Questions after Answering and Quiz Previews

The option to lock questions after answering does not affect quiz previews for instructors.

Explanation: When a quiz included the option to lock questions after answering, and an instructor previewed the quiz, the quiz state could not be changed for both published and unpublished quizzes. An entry was also added to the Gradebook history, which treated the preview as a student submission. Canvas code has been updated to disregard instructor quiz previews as a student submission.

Multiple Attempts Display

When the Quiz LTI (new quizzes) is selected as the submission type for a new assignment, the assignment creation page does not include the options for multiple attempts. 

Explanation: When the Quiz LTI (new quizzes) was selected as the submission type for a new assignment, the assignment creation page included the option for multiple attempts. However, the option for multiple attempts was also included as part of the quiz settings in the new quiz. Canvas code has been updated to remove the option for multiple attempts for the Quiz LTI in new assignments.

Related Idea Conversation: New Quizzes: attempts allowed...

Submissions API and Fudge Points

Adding fudge points updates the graded_at object.

Explanation: When fudge points were added to a quiz, the graded_at object in the Submissions API was not updated. Canvas code has been updated to update the graded_at object.

Rich Content Editor

File Downloads

File links display a download icon next to the file to allow users to download the file.

Explanation: When a document was embedded in the Rich Content Editor, clicking the file link displayed the file preview in a new tab. Canvas code has been updated to display a download icon next to file links and allow users to download the file. The existing behavior in clicking the link has not been affected and will be resolved in a future deploy. 

Related Idea Conversation: document automatic download

iFrame Elements

Embedded iFrame content is displayed inline.

Explanation: When an iFrame was added to the Rich Content Editor, the text area of the Rich Content Editor would become unresponsive if a user tried to click into the content window. This behavior occurred in the Chrome browser. Canvas code has been updated to allow embedded iFrame content to be displayed inline instead of block elements, aligning consistency with other content types added to the editor.


Source Code Summary


To view a summary of all code included in the deploy, please see the Deploy Source Code Summary (2021-02-17) reference sheet.




Deploy Notes Change Log


2021-02-05 Deploy Notes Published


Change Log

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