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Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-03-16)

Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-03-16)

Canvas deploys contain code changes that are intended to fix bugs, improve performance, and prepare for new features. These deploys take place every two weeks and can be tested in the beta environment before the production deploy date indicated in the title of this document.

Deploy notes indicate notable changes in the deploy by feature. To view functionality according to user role, please see Canvas Features by User Role.


  • Subscribe to the deploy notes page to be notified of posted deploy notes
  • For Canvas Platform Service changes (API, GraphQL, Canvas Data), please see the appropriate page in the Change Log 
  • Other questions? Visit the Canvas Deploy FAQ 

Deploy Notes Change Log


Interface Updates




Module Requirement Displays New Quizzes

Feature Option

New Quizzes

User Roles

Instructors | Canvas Features by User Role 

Affects User Interface


Affected Feature Areas


Feature Q&A

Releases Q&A: 2022-03-16 Module Requirement Displays New Quizzes


When adding module requirements, New Quizzes are displayed in the Quizzes heading.

Change Benefit

This change allows instructors to navigate to Quizzes when adding New Quizzes items as a module requirement.

Feature Workflow

When adding module requirements, instructors can view all quiz types under the Quizzes heading. 

Updated Module HeadingUpdated Module Heading


 Additional Details

Previously, when adding New Quizzes to module requirements, they were not included in the Quizzes heading. 



Friendly Description Addition to Outcomes Import CSV File

User Role & Summary Link

Admins, Instructors | Canvas Features by User Role 

Affected Feature Areas


Feature Q&A

Releases Q&A: 2022-03-16 Friendly Description Addition to Outcomes Import 


The Outcomes Friendly Description is included in the outcomes import CSV file.

Change Benefit

This change allows the Outcomes Friendly Description field to be added when uploading the outcomes import CSV file. 

Additional Details

When creating outcomes, admins and instructors have the option to create a custom or more friendly description. Friendly descriptions will display for students and observers/parents in the student Learning Mastery Gradebook and other locations in Canvas where Outcomes are visible for these roles. Teachers will be able to see both a description and friendly description when text has been added to these fields. This friendly description field is located below the official description of the outcome, which is still retained for reference within the course.

Admins with permission to manage outcomes can create friendly descriptions for the account and for all courses. Instructors with permission can only create friendly descriptions for outcomes created within their own courses.



Anonymous Student Name Display Update

User Role & Summary Link

Instructors | Canvas Features by User Role

Affected Feature Areas


Feature Q&A

Releases Q&A: 2022-03-30 Assignments Anonymous Student Name Display Update


In Speedgrader, the anonymous student names are consistently displayed between multiple teachers with different view permissions or preferences in a course and the moderation page.

Change Benefit

This change allows consistent Anonymous Student Name Display in Speedgrader. 

Feature Workflow

Assignment SettingsAssignment Settings

When creating or editing an assignment, instructors can click the Graders cannot view student names checkbox to enable anonymous grading.

Speedgrader Anonymous Student Name Display All SectionsSpeedgrader Anonymous Student Name Display All Sections


In Speedgrader, anonymous student identities are assigned in numerical order across all sections in a course.

Anonymous Student Name Display by SectionAnonymous Student Name Display by Section

When permission is set to limit an instructor to only see fellow section users, the instructor sees the anonymous identities for their section only.

Account Settings




Friendly Description Addition to Outcomes Export


User Roles

Admins | Canvas Features by User Role 

Affected Feature Area

Reports, Outcomes   

Feature Q&A

Releases Q&A: 2022-03-16 Friendly Description Addition to Outcomes Export 


The Outcomes Friendly Description is included in the Outcomes Export report.

Change Benefit

This change allows the Outcomes Friendly Description field to be displayed when an admin download and views the Outcomes Export report. 

Additional Details

When downloading the Outcomes Export report, the friendly description will display between the official description and the display name fields.

The Outcomes Export report only displays account level outcomes.


Deploy Notes Change Log



Added Interface Update

  • Speedgrader: Anonymous Student Name Display Update
2022-03-07 Published Deploy Notes

Change Log




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