Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-01-09)
Upcoming Canvas Changes
New Canvas User Interface (UI): July 9
On July 9, 2016, the New Canvas Interface will no longer be a Feature Option in Canvas and will be enabled for all Canvas users as a standard feature. Enabling the New UI affects the user interface for the entire Canvas account.
In this production release (January 9), admins can enable additional authentication methods through third-party providers. Instructors benefit from improved processes in moderated grading and student information system (SIS) assignments. And all users outside the United States can enable SMS notifications. Additionally, this release also brings the first round of Community Holiday features to benefit multiple user roles in several Canvas areas.
Note: As part of Saturday's release, all Canvas documentation lessons will be changed so all images display functionality in new Canvas User Interface. However, to assist institutions that have not switched to the new Canvas UI, all lessons displaying contrasting navigation will still include a step showing functionality for the legacy interface.
Canvas New Feature Screencast (2016-01-09)
The next release schedule:
- Beta release and notes: January 18
- Production release notes: January 25
- Production release and documentation: January 30
Production release notes indicate Canvas updates that will be included with Saturday’s release and are subject to change. New features may differ from those available in your beta environment. Learn more about the Canvas Release Schedule.
- New Features
- Assignments
- Authentication
- Notifications
- Updated Features
- Account Settings
- Assignments
- New Canvas UI
- People
- Community Holiday
- Account Settings
- Assignments
- Grades
- Gradebook
- People
- Other Updates
- Authentication
- Discussions
- Course Settings
- Grades
- Gradebook
- Notifications
- Reports
- Rich Content Editor
- Platform/Integration
- APIs
- External Apps (LTI)
- Fixed Bugs
New Features |
SIS Sync Icon
Instructors using a supported and enabled SIS integration, such as PowerSchool or Skyward, can tell if an assignment, graded discussion, or quiz is set up to be sent to their institution’s student information system. Assignments can be enabled or disabled by clicking the sync icon in the index page.
The sync icon only appears for institutions using an SIS integration and is currently available in the Assignments Index Page and the Quizzes Index Page.
See a related update for this feature in the Community Holiday section.
Authentication Providers
Canvas supports authentication with a variety of third-party identity providers, such as Google Apps and Twitter. However, once the provider has been saved in Canvas, the provider’s authentication login credentials must be added to each Canvas user’s account through API or SIS import. (Currently there is no support for adding user credentials through the Canvas interface.)
Add Identity Provider
Admins can use the Authentication Settings page to configure an identity provider to their account. Each provider requires the admin to set an attribute to be associated with the account, such as a user ID, email, or login. Attribute-only services include Facebook, Github, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Google, CAS, LDAP, OpenID, and SAML require additional custom components for configuration.
Authentication providers can be removed from an account with the Remove All Authentication button. However, removing an authentication service restricts students from using the provider to log in to Canvas.
Note: The sidebar Remove All Authentication button only removes any previously configured authentication services. It does not affect single sign-on (SSO) settings or Canvas authentication.
Add User Credentials
Once the credentials for the provider has been saved in the Canvas interface, admins can add the authentication login credential attributes as parameters to each Canvas user’s account through API or SIS. Documentation for creating and adding authentication providers is available in the Authentication Providers API. Each authentication provider supports specifically recognized parameters; some providers may recognize additional parameters. Unrecognized parameters are not supported.
Just In Time Provisioning
As part of setting up a third-party authentication provider, admins can select the Just in Time Provisioning checkbox, which automatically creates user accounts if one does not already exist.
Currently when a user logs in to Canvas using a third-party authentication system, Canvas searches users in the account looking for a matching user parameter for that service. If a matching parameter is not found, Canvas returns the user to the authentication provider portal with a message the user could not be found. When Just in Time Provisioning (JIT) is enabled, Canvas automatically creates the user using an ID that matches the username used with the authentication provider.
JIT provisioning must be configured via API for the specific authentication provider (see the Authentication Providers API). It does not need to be configured for individual users via API or SIS.
Note: JIT Provisioning is available for all authentication providers except for Canvas, which already provides a similar concept through Self Registration. See a related update for Self Registration in the Other Updates section.
International SMS
International SMS is a two-part feature option. The first component, International SMS - Send from Recipient's Country, is a feature option that has been enabled for all institutions and is viewable in the account-level feature options list. However, international SMS will not work without the second component, which is called International SMS and must configured with the support of your Canvas Customer Success Manager (CSM). Please contact your CSM for assistance.
Canvas offers SMS notification support to users outside the United States. Cellular numbers for can be added in a user’s profile. Unlike in the United States, international carrier details are not required as part of the communication setup.
Currently SMS notifications are available for cellular numbers registered in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Honduras, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.
Note: Notifications cannot be sent from the Canvas beta environment.
Updated Features |
Account Settings
Student Term Dates and Content Access Restrictions
Student term dates and the Restrict students from viewing course before start date checkbox setting have been redefined to resolve several conflicting behaviors in Canvas.
When setting term dates, student dates control when students have access to view published courses in the term. Some institutions automatically publish their courses at the term start date, which avoids any issue of students viewing content until the start date of the term—students cannot access any course content until courses are published. However, other institutions allow instructors to publish courses before the term begins.
When students are enrolled in future courses, students can now always view the name of their future enrollment in the Courses list. If a course is published before the term start date, students can access course content but cannot participate (such as submitting an assignment or contributing to a discussion topic). On the term start date, students can fully participate in the course. This behavior also applies to any courses with course date or section date overrides.
For institutions that allow courses to be published before the term start date, admins or instructors can use the Restrict students from viewing course before start date checkbox, which will remove links to the course before the term or course start date. With this setting, students can still view their future enrollment in the Courses list but cannot click any published courses to view course content (unpublished courses are not affected). On the term start date, students can view the course link and participate in the course.
Current Courses
Institutions with current courses that have been affected by this workflow change and want to restrict access can quickly apply the setting to the entire account and all sub-accounts. In Account Settings, click the Restrict students from viewing course before start date checkbox AND the Lock this setting for sub-accounts and courses checkbox. The first checkbox only applies the default setting to any new courses created in the account, but locking the setting automatically applies to all existing courses in all sub-accounts.
Note: The Restrict students from viewing course after END date checkbox has not been affected; when enabled, it hides concluded enrollments from a student's Courses list.
Moderated Grading
When creating Moderated Grading assignments and assigning students to a moderation set, the Moderation page only adds a second reviewer column when it is needed. Although the Moderation page supports provisional grades for two reviewers and one moderator, not all provisional grades may be needed in the course.
Additionally, if a student who was not previously in the moderation set is added to the set at a later date, the Moderation page adds a SpeedGrader link to the 1st Reviewer column. If the student received a grade before being added to the set, the SpeedGrader link is added to the 2nd Reviewer column and opens directly in the 2nd Reviewer tab.
Moderated grading supports provisional grades for up to two reviewers and one moderator. As clarification, if a moderator does not want to use the score from the 1st Reviewer, the moderator can add a second review or a moderator review in SpeedGrader to use for grading.
New Canvas UI
The New Canvas User Interface (UI) is an account-level feature option, which can be enabled by any Canvas admin in Account Settings. Enabling the New UI affects the user interface for the entire Canvas account. The New Canvas UI will be an account opt-in feature until July 9, 2016.
Global Navigation
The Global Navigation links have been rearranged, with the User Account link at the top. Other links include Admin, Dashboard, Groups, Calendar, Inbox, and LTI Tools. Links are hidden unless the user has the proper permissions or the link includes content (such as being in a group to view the Groups link).
Dashboard Cards
The course cards on the dashboard have also been updated with a slightly refined look.
Course Navigation Menu
The Course Navigation Menu no longer collapses unless it is minimized manually by a Canvas user. Regardless of screen size, browsers no longer include a breakpoint that force the menu to collapse automatically.
This feature was originally suggested by the Canvas Community.
Theme Editor Templates
The Theme Editor includes two additional templates: Minimalist Theme and State U. Theme. Both of these themes are intended as a foundation for admins to easily modify. Minimalist is for admins who prefer a more low-key look and feel, while State U. is intended for schools with a more vibrant brand palette.
Login ID/SIS ID Columns
The Login ID/SIS ID column has been separated into two columns. Only users with permissions to Read SIS Data can view the SIS column.
Community Holiday |
Community Holiday is a collection of popular feature ideas specifically developed to say thank you to the Canvas Community.
Account Settings
Post to SIS Assignment Default
Institutions using a supported SIS integration, such as PowerSchool or Skyward, can choose to automatically enable the Post Grades to SIS checkbox for all assignments, graded discussions, and quizzes. Currently the Post Grades checkbox is only automatically applied to assignments.
Admins can enable this option in Account Settings. The Post Grades to SIS checkbox is located in the Settings tab under the SIS Grade Export Settings heading.
When SIS assignments are enabled as default, instructors can still manage individual assignments in their courses manually remove any assignments that should not be sent to the student information system.
This feature was originally suggested by the Canvas Community.
Filter by Grading Period
If a course is using the Multiple Grading Periods feature option, Canvas users can sort and filter the Assignments page by grading period. This feature allows user to view assignments that are relevant within a specific grading period.
Note: This filter only appears in the Assignments Page.
This feature was originally suggested by the Canvas Community.
Hide Assignment Group Totals with Final Grade
When an instructor chooses to hide the final grade from students in Course Settings, assignment group totals are also hidden from students.
Note: This setting does not affect courses using Multiple Grading Periods. To hide total grades from students when using Multiple Grading Periods, instructors can choose to disable the Display Total Grade feature option.
This feature was originally suggested by the Canvas Community.
Remove Student Names from Message Students Who
When using the Message Students Who feature in the Gradebook, instructors can remove student names that are shown in the student list. If a student is removed from the message list, the student will not receive the message.
Percent Symbol in Percentage-based Assignments
When an instructor displays an assignment grade as a percentage, the percent sign appears in the Gradebook column. The percent sign is already included in the Student Grades page.
This feature was originally suggested by the Canvas Community.
Inactive Enrollment Type
Admins and instructors can specify users as an inactive enrollment. Inactive enrollments allow admins and instructors to view prior activity in a course but does not allow the student to access course content. This status can be used for students who do not pay tuition or drop the course at a future date. Students cannot view inactive users.
An inactive enrollment:
- Can be deleted like other enrollments
- Does not appear in any messaging list
- Cannot participate in the course
- Can’t be assigned to groups
- Includes no grading or moderation restrictions—grades still display and can be edited in the Gradebook
Note: Managing inactive enrollments is associated with the Add/remove students and Add/remove others teachers account- and course-level permissions.
This feature was originally suggested by the Canvas Community.
Edit Enrollment Type
Admins and instructors can edit the enrollment type for a user in the course through the People page. Unlike section edits, role edits do not require the user to accept a new course invitation. This feature allows instructors to make modifications to course enrollment types without having to delete the existing enrollment.
- Currently editing a role can only be done through the Canvas interface; it is not available in the Enrollments API.
- Existing users cannot be edited to have an observer role. Additionally, existing observers cannot have their roles change to any other role type. Observers can only be added by adding a new user to the course.
- Editing enrollment types is associated with the Add/remove students and Add/remove others teachers account- and course-level permissions. Users without the Add/remove other teachers permission cannot select teacher, TA, or any other custom role as an enrollment type. Users without the Add/remove students permission cannot select the student role as an enrollment type.
This feature was originally suggested by the Canvas Community.
Other Updates |
Canvas Self Registration
The Self Registration option for Canvas authentication is now part of the Authentication Provider page. All accounts can view the Self Registration options at the end of the page and the current setting for that option has been retained. Canvas Self Registration cannot be deleted as an authentication option, but it can be disabled at any time.
Discussion Reply Performance Enhancements
The database query for loading discussion replies has been optimized for performance.
Course Settings
Link Validator
The Link Validator find links to deleted and unpublished content. Instructors can choose to hide unpublished links. Additionally, the Link Validator provides a warning when links direct to different courses.
Graded Anonymously Column
The Student Grades page no longer includes the Graded Anonymously column. Previously used for Anonymous Grading, the Graded Anonymously column showed students if an assignment was graded anonymously in SpeedGrader by hiding student names.
Individual View Download Submissions Button
In the Gradebook Individual View, quiz submissions do not display the Download Submissions button. Previously the button was only grayed out as quiz submissions cannot be downloaded.
Differentiated Assignments and Arranging Columns by Due Date
When arranged in the Gradebook by due date in the Gradebook Settings, assignments with differentiated due dates are ordered according to the latest due date. For instance, if an assignment with three sections includes a different due date for each section, the assignment will be arranged in the Gradebook according to the latest due date in the assignment.
Bounced Channels
If a user’s communication channel bounces once, Canvas displays a warning icon in User Settings. Bounces can occur from invalid addresses (caused by address typos, changed addresses, etc.) or blocked servers and does not allow the channel to attempt to generate or send a notification. Previously the channel had to bounce several times before the warning would appear.
Custom Role Names
When admins create custom user roles, users receive course notifications with the name of the custom role. For instance, if a custom role called Student TA is created based on the TA role, the user invitation will show that the user has been invited to participate in the course as a Student TA.
This feature resolves a fixed bug in Canvas:
When an admin created a custom account role, the notification showed the base role name rather than the custom role name. This behavior occurred because notifications only generated the base role name. Canvas code has been updated to display the names of custom roles in Canvas notifications.
Last User Access Report
The Last User Access Report includes a deleted enrollments checkbox. This checkbox is part of the report configuration menu and allows admins to include deleted enrollments as part of the report. By default, deleted enrollments are not included in the report.
This feature resolves a fixed bug in Canvas:
When an admin configured the Last User Access Report, any student enrollments that were deleted display in the report. This behavior occurred because deleted enrollments were not specifically coded to be removed from the report. Canvas code has been updated to allow admins to choose whether or not they want to include deleted enrollments in the report.
Rich Content Editor
Text Line Height
The line-height CSS property has been changed to a unitless height, which calculates line heights based on the font size shown in a user’s computer. The height value is set to 1.5, which the browser multiplies by the font size to determine the line height.
This feature resolves a fixed bug in Canvas:
When users set a large font size in the Rich Content Editor, the text was overlapping in the page. This behavior occurred because the CSS line height was set at a fixed height. Canvas code has been updated to set the line height as a limitless height, which allows users to enlarge a page in a native browser and not view any overlapped font lines. This change affects both the new and legacy Canvas interface.
Platform/Integration |
Assignment Group API
In the Assignment Group API, users can include submissions as a parameter when listing assignment groups or getting assignment groups.
Enrollments API
In the Enrollments API, users can inactivate an enrollment, or re-active an enrollment.
SIS CSV Format
In the SIS CSV Format page, users can set an inactive status in the enrollments.csv. When placed in an inactive state, the student is listed in the course roster for instructors but cannot view or participate in the course unless the enrollment is changed to an active status.
External Apps (LTI)
Media Full-screen Viewing
LTI tools that support media viewing can display embedded videos in full screen.
Fixed Bugs |
Calendar events retain focus for keyboard navigation. Focused events display a blue outline.
After viewing a search element in the Account Courses page, such as Find a Course or Find a User, the page returns focus to the original search location.
The Enter and Escape keys function as shortcuts for the course nickname feature. Pressing the Enter key saves a course nickname, and pressing the Escape key closes the Nickname window.
The Course Activity toggle can be read as a button by screen readers. When the toggle is changed on or off, the button label is also updated.
The files quota information does not include any ARIA attributes related to progress bars, as the files quota is a usage indicator. Screen readers can read the amount of space used in the files quota.
After selecting a file, keyboard users can navigation through the option buttons in order. Keyboard focus is retained on each option.
File previews can be read by screen readers.
Modal Windows
Canvas modal windows do not attach an aria-hidden element in the body property.
In the Add Module and Edit Module Settings windows, the prerequisite and requirement options display focus indicators for keyboard users.
After an item is added to a module, keyboard focus returns to the the Add Item button.
In the Add Modules window, keyboard users do not see a second set of Cancel and Add Module buttons.
Rich Content Editor
The line-height CSS property has been changed to a unitless height, which calculates line heights based on the font size shown on their computer. The height value is set to 1.5, which the browser multiplies by the font size to determine the line height. Users can enlarge a page in a native browser and not view any overlapped font lines in both the new and legacy Canvas interface.
Screen readers can identify items in each sidebar section, which no longer include conflicting gray check marks. Items in the To Do list are indicated by their respective assignment icon. Coming Up items include calendar icons for upcoming events. Green check marks only display in the Recent Feedback section to indicate completed assignment feedback.
Global Announcements and Languages
Users can create global announcements in any language.
Explanation: When an account-level default language was set to a language other than English or Maori, users were unable to assign start and end dates to global announcements using the Calendar icon. This behavior occurred because of an inconsistency in the date and time variables. Canvas code has been updated to add calendar dates for any non-English language.
Disable Comments on Announcement and Marked As Read
When users read an announcement, the announcement is marked read even if commenting is disabled.
Explanation: When an instructor set the course option to disable comments for announcements, reading an announcement did not mark the announcement as read and retained the bold text. This behavior occurred because Canvas wasn’t coded to mark a post as read if it was locked. Canvas code has been updated to change locked announcements as read if the topic is visible for the current user.
Assignment Groups
When creating an assignment, instructors can always view the assignment group drop-down list.
Explanation: When an instructor created an assignment, selected the assignment group drop-down menu, and selected the [New group] option, the assignment group modal window wasn’t able to be reopened if the instructor used the close icon instead of the Cancel button. This behavior occurred because of a Javascript rendering error. Canvas code has been update to reset the assignment group modal window regardless of how it was closed.
Grading Schemes
Instructors can edit the default grading scheme when editing an assignment.
Explanation: When an instructor edited an assignment with a Letter Grade or GPA scale grade display, any changes made to the default grading scheme weren’t being saved. This behavior occurred because the assignment was not associating the ID of the grading scheme. Canvas code has been updated to save edits made to the default grading scheme in the assignments page.
Muted Assignments and Assignment Group Totals
Muting an assignment does not factor the score into an assignment group.
Explanation: When an instructor muted an assignment in a course with assignment groups, the score of the assignment was appearing as part of the associated assignment group. This behavior occurred because the page cache was overriding the muted assignment status and refreshing the grades. Canvas code has been updated to hide muted scores in assignment groups.
Calendar Event Times
Calendar events after 11:30 pm retain their correct times.
Explanation: When an instructor used the calendar to move an assignment to another date, any default time of 11:59 pm was being changed to 11:30 pm. This behavior occurred because of a date formatting error. Canvas code has been updated to retain correct times for calendar events after 11:30 pm.
Non-favorite Courses and Concluded Status
When a user has set up favorite courses, non-favorite courses only display in the concluded menu if they are concluded.
Explanation: When a user set up favorite courses, non-favorite courses displayed in the Concluded courses menu. This behavior occurred because of misclarification in the code regarding the definition of complete courses. Canvas code has been updated to clarify code regarding term dates and end at dates and only display truly concluded courses in the Concluded menu.
Course Settings
Grading Schemes
Canvas retains edits made to a grading scheme in the Course Settings page.
Explanation: When an instructor enabled a course grading scheme and then clicked the Get Grading Scheme link, any edits made to the grading scheme failed up to two times. This behavior occurred because of inconsistencies in the grading standards APIs. Canvas code has been updated to retain any edits to grading schemes in the Course Settings page.
Course Home Page and Assignment List
When a Course Home Page is set to the Assignment List, instructors do not view an overdue section.
Explanation: When an instructor set the Assignments List as the Course Home Page, instructors and admins were viewing the assignments list with past due dates as overdue. This behavior occurred because the display was not confirming the user’s permissions and viewing rights. Canvas code has been updated to not display the student view of the Assignment List for admins and instructors.
Course End Date Setting and Concluded Enrollments
Instructors can view quiz results in concluded courses.
Explanation: When an account enabled the Restrict Students from Viewing Quiz Questions after Course End Date option, instructors and TAs with concluded enrollments were also restricted from viewing quiz results in both the quiz and SpeedGrader. This behavior occurred because the restriction was not verifying multiple permissions to review grades. Canvas code has been updated to allow users to view quiz questions if they have grading permissions.
Sub-account Admins and SIS IDs
Sub-account admins can view the SIS IDs for courses and sections in the sub-account.
Explanation: When a sub-account admin tried to courses and sections in the sub-account, they were not able to view SIS IDs. This behavior occurred because Canvas was checking SIS permissions for the root account instead of the sub-account. Canvas code has been updated to allow sub-admins to view SIS information for sub-account courses, sections, and groups.
Close for Comments and Marked As Read
When users read a discussion, the discussion is marked read even if the discussion is closed to comments.
Explanation: When an instructor set the course option to close a discussion to comments, reading a discussion did not mark the discussion as read and retained the bold text. This behavior occurred because Canvas wasn’t coded to mark a post as read if it was locked. Canvas code has been updated to change locked discussions as read if the topic is visible for the current user.
Multiple Enrollments
Canvas doesn’t show future enrollment messages when a user also has an active enrollment.
Explanation: When a student has both an active enrollment and an enrollment for a future date, Canvas displayed a message that said the course hadn’t started yet. However, the student was still able to submit assignments to the course. This behavior occurred because the enrollment was only verified based on the context of the URL, so URLs pointing to future enrollments displayed the future message. Canvas code has been updated to sort enrollments by state and not display future access messages when active enrollments exist.
Self Registration
Users can log in to Canvas using an institution’s self registration page.
Explanation: When a user tried to log in to Canvas using an institution’s self registration page, the user was being redirected to the Canvas login page and then viewed an error message. This behavior occurred because the authenticity token was not being applied to the login page correctly. Canvas code has been updated to authenticate user logins.
Non-email Contact Methods
Non-email primary communication channels can be removed as a contact method.
Explanation: When a user was added to Canvas via SIS, but no email was specified, their SMS contact was made to be the primary contact method and was not able to be deleted. This behavior occurred because the first contact method listed was assumed to be the primary, which cannot be removed unless another contact method is specified. Canvas code has been updated to allow users to delete non-email communication methods that are set as the primary contact method.
Last User Access Report
The Last User Access Report can include deleted enrollments.
Explanation: When an admin configured the Last User Access Report, any student enrollments that were deleted display in the report. This behavior occurred because deleted enrollments were not specifically coded to be removed from the report. Canvas code has been updated to allow admins to choose whether or not they want to include deleted enrollments in the report.
ePortfolio Downloads
ePortfolios can be downloaded even if the pages contain no content.
Explanation: When a user created an ePortfolio and tried to download the ePortfolio, the download never completed. This behavior occurred because ePortfolio pages required content to be downloaded. Canvas code has been updated to always download ePortfolio pages regardless of content.
Maximum File Size
Media files larger than 500 MB display an error message.
Explanation: When a user uploaded a media file that was larger than 500 MB, the user viewed a message the video file was not acceptable. This behavior occurred because the correct error message relating to maximum file size was not configured correctly. Canvas code has been updated to display the maximum file size error message for file larger than 500 MB.
Locked Media Files in IE 11 and Edge
Students cannot preview locked media files in any browser.
Explanation: When students used Internet Explorer 11 or Edge, they were able to view locked or unpublished media file previews throughout Canvas. This behavior occurred because of an error in media comment thumbnail URLs. Canvas code has been updated to disallow previews for locked or unpublished media files.
Pages and Deleted Files
Canvas does not display media previews for deleted file attachments.
Explanation: When a media file was uploaded to Course Files and then added to a page, the file generated an embedded media and a download link. However, when the file was deleted from the course, the embedded media was still able to be played but the download link generated an error message. This behavior occurred because the download file was not specified to be disregarded for deleted objects. Canvas code has been updated to remove page content for deleted files.
Grading Scheme Percentages
Percentages in grading schemes round to the nearest tenth.
Explanation: When an admin or instructor created a grading scheme, any percentages that had decimals between one and nine were not rounded consistently. This behavior occurred because the grading standards included no limits for rounding. Canvas code has been updated to round percentages to the nearest tenth.
Message Students Who and Admin Roles
Admins can send messages to students from the Gradebook’s Message Students Who feature.
Explanation: When an admin tried to use the Message Students Who feature from the Gradebook, the feature returned an error about invalid recipients. This behavior occurred because the admin’s ID wasn’t part of the courses’s enrollment and recipient list wasn’t able to be populated. Canvas code has been updated to allow admins to send messages through the Gradebook.
Gradebook CSV and SIS Login ID
When the Read SIS Data permission is disabled for a course-level role, instructors can still view the SIS Login ID in a Gradebook CSV file.
Explanation: When the Read SIS Data permission is disabled for a course-level role, instructors without the permission were not able to view the SIS Login ID column. This behavior occurred because the SIS Login ID column was associated with the Read SIS Data permission. The CSV file was not able to tell that the SIS Login ID is not the same as the SIS ID. Canvas code has been updated to always include the SIS Login ID in the CSV file regardless of SIS permissions.
Late Quiz Submissions
The Gradebook shows if a quiz submission was late.
Explanation: If a student started a quiz but the quiz auto-submitted on the Until date, SpeedGrader showed the submission as late but the Gradebook did not. This behavior occurred because Canvas was not correctly checking the submission time for both the finished at time and the due date. Canvas code has been updated to determine when a quiz is late and display the status in the Gradebook.
Duplicate File Names
Duplicate files added through modules include a unique counter to differentiate file names.
Explanation: When adding files in the modules menu, users were able to add multiple files with the same file name. This behavior occurred because the code was not handling duplicate items. Canvas code has been updated to add a unique counter to differentiate duplicate file names.
Lock Dates and Must View Module Items
When a module item is locked by an Until date and marked with the Must View requirement, the item is marked as viewed when a student views the page.
Explanation: When a module item was locked by an Until date and marked with the Must View requirement to complete the module, the item was not being marked as viewed when a student viewed the page. This behavior occurred because modules were only confirming the locked date. Canvas code has been updated to allow visible but locked course content to count for the Must View requirement.
Multiple Date Anonymous Surveys
When added as a module item, anonymous surveys show multiple due dates.
Explanation: When an instructor created an anonymous survey, created multiple due dates, and added the survey as a module item, the module item wasn’t showing the survey as having multiple due dates and only showed the Everyone Else due date. This behavior occurred because surveys wasn’t retaining multiple due dates. Canvas code has been updated to return multiple due dates for surveys in modules.
Submission Grades and Must Submit Module Items
Module items marked with the Must Submit requirement can only be fulfilled if a student submits the assignment.
Explanation: When an item is marked with a Must Submit module requirement, students were able to fulfill the requirement if an instructor added and removed a store for the assignment. This behavior occurred because the module only verified the grade and not the workflow state. Canvas code has been updated to require students to submit an assignment to complete Must Submit module requirements.
New Canvas User Interface
Nav Background Color
In the Theme Editor, setting the Nav Background Color does not affect the overlay background color.
Explanation: When an admin opened the theme editor and set a color for the Nav Background Color, the color also affected the Global Navigation Links. This behavior occurred because the background color was coded to darken then color chosen by 10%. Canvas code has been updated to always display the overlay as black at 50% opacity.
Custom CSS/JS is applied to sub-accounts within a sub-account, and the Theme Editor correctly previews sub-account themes.
Explanation: When an admin uploaded custom CSS/JS files for additional sub-accounts, sub-account branding wasn’t being applied to courses within the sub-account. In Theme Editor previews, sub-account previews were displaying the preview of the root account’s branding. These behaviors occurred because the Theme Editor only supported root account and secondary level sub-accounts. Canvas code has been updated to fully support branding throughout sub-accounts. Branding application still originates from the parent account and filters down to the sub-account and then any sub-accounts within the sub-account.
Custom Role Names
When admins create custom user roles, users receive course notifications with the name of the custom role.
Explanation: When an admin created a custom account role, the notification showed the base role name rather than the custom role name. This behavior occurred because notifications only generated the base role name. Canvas code has been updated to display the names of custom roles in Canvas notifications.
Observer Enrollments
Observers do not receive enrollment notifications.
Explanation: When an observer was added to a course, the observer was receiving enrollment notifications even if the observer’s notification preferences were set to never receive notifications. This behavior occurred because observers were being treated as every other user role and being notified when they were enrolled in a course. Canvas code has been updated to disable enrollment notifications for observers.
Graded Discussions
When a graded discussion is assigned to a specific section, notifications should only be sent out to users in that section.
Explanation: When an instructor created a graded discussion for a specific section, users that were not part of the section still received notifications about the discussion. This behavior occurred because graded discussions were not honoring differentiated assignments. Canvas code has been updated to not distribute discussion notifications unless the discussion has been assigned to the student.
Outcome Groups
When the Manage Learning Outcomes permission is disabled, students cannot view options to edit, move, or delete outcome groups.
Explanation: When the Manage Learning Outcomes permission is disabled, students were able to see the option to edit, move, or delete outcome groups. This behavior occurred because of a code change in a previous release. Canvas code has been updated to allow student roles to manage outcome groups.
Quiz Formula Question Sorting
In Formula questions, single digit numbers sort by actual value.
Explanation: When an instructor created a Formula question and created more than one single digit variable, the sort() function sorted lexicographically instead of by actual value. This behavior occurred because of an error in the Javascript sorting. Canvas code has been updated to sort variables in order of value.
Anonymous Surveys and Student Names
Quiz statistics do not display student names in anonymous surveys.
Explanation: When an instructor viewed the statistics for an anonymous survey, student names could be viewed as part of the number of respondents answer details. This behavior occurred because statistics didn’t account for anonymous survey submissions. Canvas code has been updated to ensure that anonymous surveys remain anonymous.
Essay Answers Symbols in Student Analysis Reports
Essay question responses that contain > or < symbols are included in the quiz Student Analysis Report.
Explanation: When a student submitted an essay question that included > or < (greater than or less than) symbols, the symbols were not appearing in the Student Analysis Report. This behavior occurred because essay question stripped any characters that resembled tags. Canvas code has been updated to retain essay answers in the Student Analysis Report.
Rich Content Editor
Link to URL Button
The Link to URL button creates a link for text that includes a parenthesis, brackets, or a plus symbol.
Explanation: When an instructor entered text in the Rich Content Editor that included a parenthesis, bracket, or ended in a plus symbol, highlighting the text to create a link to the URL did not generate a link. This behavior occurred because of how the Rich Content Editor plugin was extracting content for the link. Canvas code has been updated to support parenthesis, brackets, and plus symbols in links.
Text Links and Images
Adding or modifying a link with an image does not remove the image.
Explanation: When an instructor added or modified a link that was tied to an image and text at the same time, the image was removed. This behavior occurred because of how the Rich Content Editor plugin was extracting content for the link. Canvas code has been updated to retain images when adding or modifying links.
Locked Embedded Image Files
Instructors can embed hidden files in the Rich Content Editor.
Explanation: When an instructor uploaded and locked an image file, then selected the option to let students download the file if they have the link, the instructor wasn’t able to link to the file using the embed image tool. This behavior occurred because the Folders API doesn’t count hidden files, so the embed image window didn’t ask for any associated files to embed. Canvas code has been updated to allow hidden files to appear when embedding images.
Differentiated Quizzes and Late Status
When a quiz includes multiple due dates, late quiz submissions are marked as late in SpeedGrader.
Explanation: When an instructor created a quiz with multiple due dates, SpeedGrader did not indicate if a quiz submission was late. This behavior occurred because the logic for late quiz submissions did not account for multiple due dates (differentiated assignments). Canvas code has been updated to support multiple due dates in quizzes.
PCs and Content Expansion
Instructors using a PC can view the scroll bar after expanding the SpeedGrader window.
Explanation: When an instructor expanded the SpeedGrader window using a Windows computer, the scroll bar could become hidden if the submission included a rubric, and some browser windows were not able to be resized. These behaviors occurred because of a code change in a previous release. Canvas code has been updated to allow users to resize the SpeedGrader content window in Windows devices.
Change Log
- anonymous grading
- apis
- assignments
- authentication
- canvas
- canvas production
- canvas release
- community holiday
- css
- differentiated assignments
- discussion reply
- edit enrollment
- external apps
- fixed bugs
- gradebook
- inactive
- inactive students
- international sms
- link validator
- moderated grading
- multiple grading periods
- notifications
- release notes
- reports
- rich content editor
- self registration
- sis
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