Filter or Search Videos by Author in Studio

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At our university, we heavily utilize Canvas Studio, and our Media Team has created over 10,000 videos in their collections. Surprisingly, the new admin filters for Studio do not enable us to filter or sort videos by the author (account) which is standard on most other platforms. Implementing this feature in Studio could be beneficial so you could search by the author's email, ID, or name. Currently, you can only search by video name, which is not visible after videos are uploaded to pages, assignments, or discussions. This seems like it would add notable value. Does anyone else see the value in adding this filter/search feature?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @TSciarrillo 

I 100% see value in this ability as a Canvas admin.

I wanted to pop in and let you know that there has been some conversation taking place about this HERE and HERE.


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