Remove Course Developer Info from Studio Quiz

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Is there any way to not have the course developer's name and photo, as well as the date, appear when creating a studio quiz? Our developers are not the course authors nor instructors, so this will be confusing to students. Attached is an example taken from this article.


1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hello there, @Carter41 ...

I can think of a couple different options that might work for your needs.

First, have you tried building the course content into a "sandbox" or "master" course?  In this course, you would then embed the Studio video.  Then, once the course has been built, import the course content into the Fall, Spring, or Summer semester course.  In that Fall, Spring, or Summer course, you could then view the content page where you embedded the Studio video to see if the video still has that identifying information.  (Of course, you could always try something similar in your school's Canvas "test" environment.  Just be sure to log out of the "test" environment before logging back in to your school's normal "production" environment.)

Second, have you considered creating a more generic user account in your Canvas environment specifically for housing your Studio videos?  This account wouldn't necessarily be tied to any one user, and if someone on your team resigned from his/her position, for example, you and your team (and the new person who would fill the open position) would still have access to those videos.  You could use this generic account to upload the videos to Studio, embed the Studio content to a course, and then it would not display a specific user's name.  Maybe your generic Canvas account is named similar to your school's name or maybe the name of a mascot you might have at your school.  I don't know...just a thought.

Anyway...I hope these ideas give you some food for thought as to how you and your team might move forward.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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