How do I view Discussions in the Teacher app on my iOS device?

In Canvas Teacher, you can keep track of all course discussions.

The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.

Note: To view and reply to anonymous discussions, you must enable the anonymous discussion option.

Open Course

Open Course

In the Dashboard, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.

Open Discussions

Open Discussions

Tap the Discussions link.

View Discussions

View Discussions

The most recent discussion always appears at the top. However, replies to the discussions stay housed within the discussion itself. Unread replies are indicated by a dot next to the discussion [1]. You can view the number of total replies [2] and the number of replies you have not read within each discussion [3].

Swipe your device from top to bottom to quickly refresh Discussions.

Manage Discussions

Manage Discussions

To pin or unpin, close a discussion to comments, or delete a discussion thread, swipe left to view the options.

Add Discussion

Add Discussion

To add a discussion, tap the Add icon.

Open Discussion

View Discussions

To view a discussion thread, tap the name of the thread.

View Discussion

View Discussion

For each discussion, you can view the due date [1], point value [2], title [3], and description [4].

To reply to the discussion, click the Reply button [5].

Note: When opening an anonymous discussion, you are prompted to open the anonymous discussion in a web browser.

View Discussion Toolbar

View Discussion

The Discussion Toolbar remains at the top of the discussion topic when you are viewing discussion replies.

To search for replies or specific authors, enter your terms in the Search field [1].

To filter replies, click the All drop-down menu [2]. You can filter by all replies or unread replies.

To sort replies by newest or oldest, click the Sort button [3].

To view threaded replies in a split screen sidebar, click the View Split Screen button [4].

To view threaded replies all at once, click the Expand Threads button [5]. You can collapse the threaded replies by clicking the Collapse Threads button [6].

To view threaded replies inline, click the View Inline button [7].

View Inline Discussion Thread Replies

View Inline Discussion Thread Replies

To expand the discussion thread replies inline, click the # of replies link [1].

View the read and unread replies [2].

To view threaded replies options, click the Options icon [3]. You can mark replies as read/unread, mark threaded replies as read/unread, return to the topic, quote the reply, or report the reply.

View Split Screen Discussion Thread Replies

View Discussion Thread Replies

When viewing split screen discussion thread replies, you can collapse and expand the discussion thread replies sidebar. When a discussion thread reply is collapsed, you can view the reply indicators showing the number of unread and total replies.

To expand the discussion thread replies sidebar, click the # of replies link [1].

View the read and unread replies [2].

To view threaded replies options, click the Options icon [3]. You can mark replies as read/unread, mark threaded replies as read/unread, return to the topic, quote the reply, or report the reply.

To collapse the discussion thread replies sidebar, click the Close icon [4].

View Anonymous Discussion

View Anonymous Discussion

If the anonymous discussion option is enabled for the discussion in the web version of Canvas, a message displays noting that student names and profile pictures are hidden or students have the option to show their name and profile picture or remain anonymous, however your name and profile picture is visible to all course members.

Manage Discussion

Manage Discussion

To manage the discussion, tap the More Options icon [1].

To edit the discussion, tap the Edit link [2]. To view the discussion in SpeedGrader, tap the Open in Speedgrader link [3].