How do I view Quizzes in the Teacher app on my iOS device?
Canvas lets you view Quizzes from your mobile device. For each quiz, you can view the details of the quiz including the due date, points, number of questions, the time limit, and number of allowed attempts.
Canvas natively supports quizzes that contain Essay, Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, Fill in the Blank, Matching, Numeric, or True/False questions. Any quizzes that do not contain supported question types are redirected to the web version of Canvas. Additionally, currently the app does not support one-question-at-a-time quizzes, quizzes with passcode restrictions, or quizzes with IP address restrictions.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Note: Quiz questions cannot be edited in the Teacher app.
Open Course

In the Courses tab, tap the name of the course you'd like to view.
Open Quizzes

Tap the Quizzes link.
View Quizzes

Quizzes are organized by assignment group and due date.
Open Quiz

To view a quiz, tap the name of the quiz.
View Quiz

For each quiz, you can view all the details for the quiz including the title, points, display grade, quiz type, due date, and quiz details.
Manage Quiz

To edit the quiz details, tap the Edit link [1]. You can manage all quiz options as well as due and availability dates.
To view submissions for the quiz, tap the Submissions link [2].
Note: Quiz questions cannot be edited in the Teacher app.
Preview Quiz

To preview the quiz, scroll to the bottom of the quiz details and tap the Preview Quiz button.
Depending on the type of quiz, you may be directed to the web version of Canvas.