How do I view Modules in the Teacher app on my iOS device?
In the Canvas Teacher app, you can view your course modules.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Note: You cannot add modules, edit modules, or manage module settings from the Teacher app. You can publish and unpublish modules and module items.
Open Course

In the Courses tab [1], tap the name of the course you'd like to view [2].
Open Modules

Tap the Modules link.
View Modules

View your course modules [1]. Modules contain the module items within each module.
Module items display the item title [2] and, if applicable, due date [3].
All modules and module items display a draft state status. Published modules and module items display the Published icon [4]. Unpublished modules and module items display the Unpublished icon [5].
Note: You cannot edit modules or manage module settings from the Teacher app. You can publish and unpublish modules and module items.
Collapse or Expand Modules

By default, modules are expanded and show all items in the module. To collapse a module, tap the Collapse icon [1].
To expand a collapsed module, tap the Expand icon [2].
Bulk Publish and Unpublish All Modules

To bulk publish modules, tap the Options icon [1]. Then you can choose between tapping the Publish all Modules and Items option [2], Publish Modules only option [3], or Unpublish all Modules and Items option [4].
Note: If the publish icon does not display as opaque, you cannot change the module or module item status.
Bulk Publish and Unpublish Individual Module

To bulk publish individual modules, tap the Options icon [1]. Then you can choose between tapping the Publish Module and all Items option [2], Publish Module only option [3], or Unpublish Modules and all Items option [4].
Note: If the publish icon does not display as opaque, you cannot change the module status.
View Bulk Publish and Unpublish Progress

When publishing or unpublishing modules and module items in bulk, a progress indicator displays [1]. To return to the modules page, tap the Done link [2].
Note: Progress continues in the background when tapping the Close icon [3].
Publish and Unpublish Individual Module Items

To publish or unpublish individual module items, tap the Options icon [1] and tap the Publish or Unpublish option [2].
- Module items with student submissions cannot be unpublished.
- If the publish icon does not display as opaque, you cannot change the module item status.
Open Module Item

To open an module item, tap the name of the item.